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The more continuous monitoring that is accomplished, the more the risks are reduced. Continuous monitoring and auditing involves performing control and risk assessments on a frequent basis, if not virtually in real-time. As technology has improved there has been an increased adoption of continuous auditing as a vital monitoring tool.


This seminar walks through the process of continuous auditing from start to finish and prepares you to create your own customized continuous audit program. It provides unique training on how to design, implement and improve a continuous auditing and monitoring approach for auditors. We present examples from our clients and specific controls to establish for monitoring on a regular basis.


This continuous approach provides a more timely assessment of the operation of internal controls. Continuous auditing has changed the internal auditing paradigm from periodic reviews of a small sample of transactions to ongoing audit testing of volumes of transactions. This CPE seminar focuses on identifying what must be done to make effective use of information technology in support of continuous auditing.


This timely, four hour CPE seminar is designed for internal audit management, compliance managers, controllers, CFO's and others who have to create value within the internal audit function.


This internal control training course will provide each attendee with 4 CPE Event Hours (YB). A certificate of completion will be provided.

Continuous Auditing and Monitoring - In-Person


    Being offered on Mondays at 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

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